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August 2023 Healthy News from Manahawkin Chiropractic Center Less Gabapentin Prescription and Pain with Chiropractic Care Back Pain & Hip Flexibility Link

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Choosing Chiropractic Care First for Back Pain: Reduced Gabapentin Prescription, Reduced Pain, Less Healthcare Use

Back pain is challenging. Its sufferers desire relief. Would it not be terrific if a pill would do it?! Many back pain sufferers enter the back pain relief medical system and are prescribed meds first. They take them with hope for relief of pain. (Because this is so customary, we chiropractors acknowledge that we need to be well-trained to identify patients who may deal with a substance use issue and understand how to help if the use is a problem. (1)) Recent research states that the first-choice healthcare provider is an influential factor in patients’ utilization of healthcare services. An assessment of 29,806 patient cases that looked at the year following the first visit for back pain found that utilization of healthcare services was lower for those who made the choice to see a chiropractor first. The greatest health care utilization was noted for those who went to the emergency room as their first step into healthcare for back pain relief. (2) Another study noted that for patients under 50 years old who are living with low back pain, two common options of care and of care providers are spinal manipulation from a chiropractor and pharmacological prescription of gabapentin from a medical provider. Prescriptions for gabapentin were significantly less for those who used chiropractic spinal manipulative care than those who underwent usual medical care. (3) Your chiropractor appreciates the value of interdisciplinary care and communicates with healthcare colleagues for the benefit of our back pain patients whenever possible and the value of provider choice with regards to relief and care. Your Manahawkin chiropractor at Manahawkin Chiropractic Center is poised to help our Manahawkin back pain patients with our effective chiropractic services!

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Kurt Olding on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson about the many choices back pain patients in “The Spine Care ‘Supermarket’” and how choosing The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management helps manage the pain.

TIP OF THE MONTH: Improve Hip Flexibility, Relieve Back Pain

When the hips are tight, the back gets tense, and movement is altered. Remember: Everything is connected! Researchers who compared hip rotation range of motion in participants who had back pain and those who did not found that those with low back pain had extremely restricted hip lateral rotation range of motion. (4) Luckily, there are methods to improve hip flexibility. One new method is auricular acupressure. What is that? Ask at your next appointment, but it enhanced hip flexibility (and back pain!) in a new study. (5) Another study touted the benefit of core stability exercise and hip muscle stretching as effective at improving physical function and activity in non-specific low back pain patients. (6) We can check your hip flexibility out at your next Manahawkin chiropractic appointment and plan a way to boost it!

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Set your next Manahawkin chiropractic visit with Manahawkin Chiropractic Center now. We look forward to seeing you soon!

"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by Dr. James M. Cox I."